Have you ever checked your credit score from an app or a website? If so, you know how helpful this information can be in assessing where you stand financially.
All that data is controlled by the big-three credit bureaus, and regular people don’t always have easy access. For financial institutions, fintechs and other businesses, the ability to give their customers access to this personalized credit information is extremely valuable, but also incredibly challenging. The time, money and tech required is substantial.
Our client, an off-shoot of an already successful software development firm in the financial space, has cracked the code.
They offer businesses a huge variety of digital products — everything from a credit manager tool, score simulators, identity protection and more — in the form of prebuilt tools that fintechs, financial institutions and other types of businesses can leverage. All they have to do is drop them into their own experience to give their customers personalized credit and financial information.
So what do you call a company that has a focused but broad set of tools upon launch, and will undoubtedly develop more within and outside the credit space? We named them Array — an expansive real-word name that speaks to a massive collection of products, and also a subtle nod to the team’s coding and developer roots.
We’ve since worked with Array to create the new brand’s underlying brand strategy, story, messaging, voice and various copy. Although Array’s inception is recent, the company is rapidly growing, and they’re showing no sign of slowing.
Client: Array